Kids Fitness

Nebraska Kids Fitness & Nutrition Day is a one-day event for 4th grade students in the district. This event – developed by University of Nebraska Kearney and Nebraska Beef Council - is held annually so children can learn about healthy living habits in a fun and supportive environment.

Nebraska Kids Fitness and Nutrition Day Logo

This fun filled day includes 6 nutrition stations and 13 fitness stations. Some of the physical activities include agility races, tossing games, and the always popular rainbow parachute. The fitness stations combine both low impact and high impact activities to ensure all students can participate and learn activities they can do on their own.

Children playing with rainbow parachute

The children also had a chance to learn about nutrition and healthy habits when preparing food. They were able to practice proper handwashing, learn about MyPlate and what the new USDA standard nutrition guidelines are. Nutrition Stations also teach information about portion sizes, how to read labels, and how to have good eating habits.

Children learning about nutrition

Kids Nutrition and Fitness Day is held in 2 locations within the district - McCook and Grant. All schools in the district are invited and encouraged to attend with many schools bringing students to one of the two locations to participate. In average, around 400 4th graders participate each year.

Kids participating in fitness activities

This day would not have been possible without the many sponsors and the help of over 100 volunteers between the two locations.

Event sponsors and volunteers

More Resources

MyPlate Kids